How can I file a birth certificate of my newborn child?
Regular Filing (Requirements):
-Certificate of Live Birth (typewritten) (1st page (green) original, the rest
carbon copy) Use and black carbon paper
- PhP 80.00 regular filing fee
Go to Local Civil Registry Department (LCR) - G/F Marikina City Hall
Proceed to Window 21.
Submit and verify at Window 21.
Proceed to payment at Window 39.
Claim Birth Certificate at Window 24 after 11 – 15 working days.
Late Registration (Requirements):
-Certificate of Live Birth (typewritten) (1st page (green) original, the rest
carbon copy) Use and black carbon paper
of Two Disinterested Person
-Baptismal / Medical certification / Voter Affidavit / Form 137 or Transcript
(school Records) / Dedication Cert. (Other Religious Group) / Barangay Clearance
for Delayed Registration of Birth Certificate.
-Negative Result from NSO
-Marriage Contract (if applicant is married)
-If Married: Marriage certification of parents
-If Not Married: Affidavit of Paternity (Affidavit to use the surname)
-Fee: Late Registration (age in years) 1 2-4 5+ above
Late Registration – PhP 100 200 300
Verification Fee -PhP 30 30 30
Total 130 230 330
Processing Period – 15Days