Municipal Planning Development Office)
Binangonan is one of the fourteen municipalities
of Rizal. It is triangular in shape and lies between the foothills of
Sierra Madre Mountain and the northeastern part of Laguna de Bay. The
Municipality is bounded on the north by Angono, on the east by Cardona, on
the northeast by Morong and Teresa and on the southeast by Laguna de Bay.
The municipality is composed of the mainland and a half of Talim Island.
The mainland portion is on the western side of Sierra Madre extending to the
middle portion of Laguna de Bay. Talim Island, on the other hand, is
divided between Cardona, the eastern side and Binangonan, the western side.
Diablo Pass or Navotas Strait separates the Island from the mainland.
The town is approximately situated twenty four (24) kilometers east of the
Provincial Capitol of Rizal. The seat of government is located in Barangay
Calumpang along the Manila East Road and approximately six (6) kilometers
after the boundary of Angono and five (5) kilometers from Cardona.
2.Land Area
Binangonan has a total land area of SEVEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY
(7,270) hectares. The area of the mainland is 5,820.55 hectares
while Talim Island is 1,449.45 hectares.Binangonan ranks the fifth biggest
in the province in terms of area. (Please take note of the difference
in area as per Tax Mapping of the Municipal Assessor which is 5,871.4436 hectares).
Binangonan, which lies 37 kilometers from Manila and 24 kilometers from Pasig,
is entirely nestled between the foothills of Sierra Ma dre and Laguna de Bay.
The poblacion is located in the center of 39 barangays. On the northernmost
part lie Pagasa, Tayuman, Tagpos, Bilibiran, Palangoy, Pantok, Darangan and
Calumpang. On the northeast towards M`orong are Batingan, Tatala, Mambog,
Macamot and Mahabang Parang. On the southeast are Lunsad, Libis, Layunan,
Libid, Pilapila, Limbon-limbon, Ithan, Kalinawan, Pipindan and the barangays
in Talim Island namely: Kasile, Bombong, Kinagatan, Kinaboogan, Bangad, Buhangin,
Janosa, Kaytome, Gulod, Sapang, Malacaban, Pinagdilawan, Ginoong Sanay, Binitagan,
Tabon, Habagatan-Talim and Rayap-Talim.
Name of BarangayArea In Sq. Km.
San Carlos
Mahabang Parang3.128198
Ginoong Sanay0.879308
Source: Assessor’s Office
About 65% of Binangonan area have hilly terrain while the rest are generally
plain. The highest peak is 750 meters above the sea level. There
are seven barangays with slopes ranging from 0-3 degrees; eight barangays
with 3-8; fifteen barangays with 8-18; and nine barangays with 18-30.
The main mountain range is the Sierra Madre. In Talim Island,
the mountainous peaks are the Susong Dalaga in the center and the Dolores
Hill in the southernmost part. There are four islets namely: Bunga,
Malahi, Pulong Gitna and Pulong Ithan.
Binangonan has two distinct seasons: dry from November
to April and
wet during the rest of the year. The haviest rains usually occur in the months
of July, August and September. The coolest period occurs the months of November
to February.
Although the municipality is shielded by the Sierra Madre on the north, it
is open to soutwest monsoon and cyclonic storms.
4.Soil Type
Soil classification is based on the data gathered from the soil survey division
of the bureau of soil and water management, these are…
Soil mapping unit symbol BD Af3Soil mapping unit description 0-2% slope
Found in the shorelines of barangay Pag-asa, Tayuman and Tagpos severely flooded
during rainy season which rendered it idle.
The boulevard series is a member of the fine, mixed, isohyperthermie family
of Aeric Tropacuepts. These soil are moderately deep, poorly to very poorly
drained, occurring on level to nearly level narrow lake terraces of the lacustrine
landscape. The soils have gray or dark clay A horizons not more than
30 cm. thick. Cambic Bg horizons extending down 50 to 100 cm. thick are gray,
light gray to dark gray or greenish gray clay with distinct clear yellowish
brown, strong brown, red, yellowish red mottles. Decomposed plant remains
and lacustrine shells may sometimes occur. Cg horizons or substratum are greenish
gray or dark greenish gray, silty clay loam or clay loam with common weathered
Lacustrine shells and decomposed plant remains. Due to its approximate to
the lake, the soil is subject to slight to severe flooding.
This is least extensive mapping unit, covering only about 26 percent of the
series and occupying the first bottom lake terraces. This was mapped north
of Bagumbayan in Muntinlupa extending towards North and Northeast of Hagonoy,
Taguig just above the fresh water marshes. Another large area is found in
between Napindan, Taguig and Tayuman, Binangonan. Some isolated areas
are found north of Tanay and west of Caniogan, Municipality of Morong.
Most soil profile characteristics are similar
to that described representative
profile for the
series. Included are small areas with fine loamy texture in the control section
and limited with deeper soil. Most of this units are cultivated to rainfed
paddy rice. This covers approximately 0.21 percent of the project.
Soil mapping unit symbolSoil mapping unit description
BrA0.2 % slope
BrB2.5 % slope
Found along the National road of barangay Pag-asa, Tayuman shoreline of Pila-Pila,
Limbon-Limbon, Ithan in Mainland. Bombong, Bangad, Buhangin, Janosa and Kaytome
in Talim Island
The Baras series is a member of the very fine montmorillionific isohyporthermic
family of udorthentic Pellusterts. The soils are deep, poorly drained occurring
on level to very gently sloping (0-5 percent slope) minor alluvial plain.
The color ranges from dark gray clay (hues of 10 YR to 5Y) with no more than
40 cm. thick Ag horizon. Bg horizon is composed predominantly of gray dark
gray, light gray to gray and olive gray with distinct brown and olive mottles.
Cg horizon below 110-150 cm. from the surface are olive gray, olive and pale
gray with distinct clear gray, and light yellowish brown mottles, few soft
and hard Fe-Mn concretions may be presenting the horizon. CaCO3 nodules and
weathered tuffaceous fragments may also be present and generally increases
with depth.
Cracking of the surface soil with a width of 2 to 3 centimeters to a depth
of 50 to one meter is commonly observed during dry season.
Soil mapping unit symbolSoil mapping unit description
BnA0-2% slope
BnB2-5% slope
Found in the upland portion of barangay Pantok and Palangoy in the vicinity
of Sitio Mata and in Mabuhay Homes in Bgy. Darangan.
The Binangonan series is a member of the very fine, montmorillomitic, isohyperthermic
family of Undorthentic Pellusterts. They are deep poorly drained soils occurring
on level to gently sloping (0-5 percent slope) narrow mini-plain of the alluvial
landscape. The soils are developed from alluvium of volcanic and limestone
Ag horizons not more than 40 centimeters thick are gray, dark gray clay overlying
cambic Bg horizon predominantly of gray to very dark gray, olive gray with
distinct clear (dark) yellowish brown, grayish brown, olive gray and gray
mottles. Few soft and hard Fe-Mn concretions and CaCO3 nodules commonly occur.
Cg horizon below 100 to 150 centimeters from the soil surface are olive gray,
pale olive or mottled light olive brown, olive, grayish brown clay. Concretions
of iron and manganese and CaCO3 nodules are present.
Soil mapping unit symbolSoil mapping unit description
TaA0.2% slope
TaB2.5% slope
Found along the municipal boundary of Binangonan, Teresa and Morong triangle.
In the upper portion of barangay Pantok and Darangan and in the vicinity of
Rizal Cement Quarry.
The Teresa series is a member of the very fine, montmorillonitic, isohyperthemic
family of Udorthentic Pellusterts. They are moderately deep to deep poorly
drained soils occurring on nearly level to gently sloping (0-5 percent slopes)
narrow mini-plain of the alluvial landscape. The soil, this series are developed
mainly from alluvium, derived from weathered tuffaceous materials, and perhaps
from deposited bio-chemically weathered products of limestone, basalt and
site and conglomerate from the adjacent hills and mountains fringing the area.
Ag horizons are gray, dark gray to very dark gray clay and not more than 40
cm thick. Cambic Bg horizons composed predominantly or light to very dark
gray or olive gray have distinct brown and gray mottles. Slightly and strongly
weathered rock fragments with Fe-Mn concretions commonly occur. Cg horizons,
60-150 cm. deep from the soil surface are olive gray, dark gray clay and sometimes
with gray, yellowish brown and light yellowish brown mottles with few Fe-Mn
concretion and CaCO3 nodules.
Soil mapping unit symbolSoil mapping unit description
ApD18-15% slope
ApF225-45% slope
Found on large part of barangay Tayuman, Bilibiran in the vicinity of Village
East Subdivision and the East Ridge Golf Course and in the upland portion
of barangay Pantok and Palangoy
The Antipolo series is a member of the fine, mixed, isohyperthermic family
of typic Tropudalfs. They are moderately deep to deep well drained soils occurring
on undulating to rolling basaltic hills and ridges with localized valley.
Horizons are brown to dark brown, dark brown, yellowish brown or dark
reddish brown clay, clay loam or silty clay loam. Argillic Bt horizons are
yellowish red, strong brown, reddish brown or yellowish brown clay with none
to few distinct clear brown, reddish brown, dark reddish brown or yellowish
red mottles and sometimes light gray to gray when used for paddy rice. Partially
and highly weathered rock fragments are present and increase in abundance
with depth. Iron and manganese concretions may occur. C horizon, 40-90 cm.
deep, are strong brown or yellowish red clay which are common to many weathered
rock fragments. Few Fe-Mn concretions may also occur in this layer. Underlying
this horizon is hard consolidated bedrock.
Soil mapping unit symbolSoil mapping unit description
Ttb2-5 % slope
TtB/C2-8 % slope
Ttc5-8 % slope
TtD8-15 % slope
Found in the upland portion of barangay Pantok, predominant in the part of
barangay Darangan, Macamot, Tatala including Balatik Area, Calumpang, and
in most part of Mahabang Parang.
The Tutulo series is a member of the very fine, mixed, isohyperthermic family
of Udorthentic Pallusterts. They are shallow to moderately deep poorly drained
soil occurring both on undulating to rolling moderately dissected agglomerate
plateau with concave slopes and convex ridges and gently sloping volcanic
foot slopes. The soil has gray to very dark gray clay A horizon not more than
25 cm. thick. Bg horizons, 40-100 cm. deep, are gray to very dark clay with
distinct clear brown to dark brown, light olive gray or yellowish brown mottles.
Few small soft Fe-Mn concretions and CaCO3 nodules are also present. Few to
common weathered tuff occurs in this layer.
Soil mapping unit symbolSoil mapping unit description
CaC15-8% slope slight eroded
CaD18-15% slope slight eroded
Cae115-25% slope slight eroded
Caf225-45% slope slight eroded
CaG245-65% slope slight eroded
Found in the lower area of barangay Macamot, Tatala and Mambog along the national
highway, most part of barangay Lunsad in mainland, barangay Kasile, Bombong,
Bangad, Janosa, Kaytome, Gulod, Sapang, Malakaban, Pinagdilawan, Ginoong Sanay,
Tabon, Habagatan and Rayap in Talim Island.
The Calantas series is a member of the fine, mixed, isohyperthermic family
of Lithic Troporthents. They are well drained shallow soils occurring on low
tuffaceous hills and ridges and rolling to steep convex agglomerate hills
of the volcanic hills landscape. The soils have brown to dark brown, dark
yellowish brown, very dark grayish brown clay, clay loam or silty clay A horizon
not more than 20 cm thick. The C horizon is dark, brown, brown to dark brown,
yellowish brown clay or clay loam which are common to many weathered volcanic
tuff fragments. Below this layer is hard tuff.
Few to many surface stones and boulders commonly occur. Erosion is slight
to moderate.
LandscapeLandformParent MaterialSoil Series/ Taxonomic NameSoil Mapping Unit
SymbolSoil Mapping Unit DescriptionArea Hectares
LacustrineNarrow Lake TerracesLacustrine DepositsBoulevard (Bd)BdAF3Boulevard
clay, 0-2% slope, severely Flooded68.85
Narrow Mini-Plain AlluviumBinangonan (Bg)BnABinangonan
clay, 0-2% slope46
BnBBinangonan clay, 2-5% slope75.36
Baras (Br)BrBBaras clay, 2-5% slope283.74
Minor Alluvial PlainBrABaras clay, 0-2% slope1,219.65
San Manuel (Sm)SmASan Manuel clay, 0-2% slope93.82
Jala-Jala (Ja)JaAJala-Jala clay, 0-2% slope84.72
Teresa (Ta)TaATeresa clay, 0-2% slope104.09
Narrow Mini-PlainTaBTeresa clay, 2-5% slope15.91
BasaltSan Luis (Sl)SIClSan Luis clay, 5-8% slope, Slightly eroded141
Tulay (Ty)TyBlTulay clay, 2-5% slope, Slightly eroded10.50
TyDlTulay clay, 8-15% slope, Slightly eroded16.38
Volcanic TuffKay BorbonKbF2Kay Barbon clay, 25-45% slope, moderately eroded115.29
BasaltAntipolo (Ap)ApDlAntipolo clay, 8-15% slope, Slightly eroded336.38
ApE2Antipolo clay, 25-45% slope, Moderately eroded758.30
Volcanic Tuff/ Agglomerote Tutulo (Tt)TtBTutulo
clay, 2-5% slope149.52
TtB-CTutulo clay, 2-8% slope864.50
TtCTutulo clay, 5-8% slope491.50
TtDTutulo clay, 8-15% slope94.98
Calantas (Ca)CaClCalantas clay, 5-8% slope, Slightly eroded17.30
CaDlCalantas clay, 8-15% slope Slightly eroded195
CaElCalantas clay, 8-15% slope Slight;y eroded149.40
CaF2Calantas clay, 25-45% slope Moderately eroded693.65
CaG2Calantas clay, 45-65 slope Moderately eroded572.57
Miscellaneous Land Types VRVolcanic
RteRiver Terraced Escarpment10.78
Pure hard crystalline limestone deposits about
in large quantity in the
town. Gypsum deposits, mined in Bilibiran quarry, are being manufactured into
Portland Cement by the Rizal Cement Company since 1914.
6.Natural Drainage
In mainland, there are three rivers
and one creek serving as natural
drainage and Laguna Lake tributaries. These are rivers Lasi, Bilibiran
and Darangan, and Gupiing creek.
The Lasi River serves as the draining
area of the poblacion. The river
source lies between the hilly portion of Mahabang Parang, passes the northern
slopes of Kalbaryo in Libid, circles around the poblacion and flows out to
Laguna Lake. It does not have a spring and its source of water is the
The twisting river in Bilibiran continuously feeds
Laguna Lake with cool,
Fresh water coming from a spring located in the hilly pasture land called
Ray Tupas. The river is also a rich source of fresh water fish particularly
water eels which are considered a delicacy. It is also a source of irrigation
for ricefields along the bank and it nestles duck raising ventures in the
Darangan River serves as a repository of water from
upland area during
Rainy season. It is used as canal for irrigation system installed between
the river bank and Laguna Lake. Natural processes silted the mouth of
the river but it is widened and deepened by dredging to induce inflow of lake
In Talim Island, each barangay has at least one natural creek which drains
rain water coming from mountainous areas to the Laguna Lake.
7. Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
Local forest is generally classified as Savana. Its vegetation is
characterized by the growth of talahib cogon, native Ipil-Ipil, madre cacao
and bamboos. Fruit bearing trees like mango, atis, duhat, bignay are grown
in both the upland and lowland. Trees of dipterocarp species, the source
of lumber, are seldom found in the municipality. However, there are species
like narra and mahogany cultivated in the lowland.
Monkeys can be found in Mt. Susong Dalaga in Talim Island. There are
no more wild animals, only birds in the town upland areas.
8.Environmental Situation
Assessment of the municipality’s environmental situation includes the
problems on the critical ecosystem like the Laguna Lake basin, erosion, population,
waste management and sanitation.
a)Laguna De Bay Basin
The Laguna Lake provides food supply and livelihood to countless families
in the community and it is the nearest and largest source of potable water
for domestic use. As such, it must be protected from disturbances
pollution coming from industrial, agricultural and domestic sources, siltation
due to erosion and man-made structures that are environmentally disastrous.
The concentration of industries in Metro Manila and Laguna side of the lake
makes the Central Bay, the municipal territorial water, a dumping area of
the waste discharge from industries that have no waste water treatment facilities.
Forty-one percent (41%) of these industrial waste discharges contain toxic
and hazardous subtances which exceed the safe criteria for the protection
of aquatic life.
Domestic waste are being discharge through the river tributaries. Other
pollutants include pesticides and fertilizers used by farmers and thriving
livestock industries not only in Binangonan but the whole coastal areas
of the lake. The total pesticide used in 1976 amounted to 104,000
kg. (dry form) and 184,000 kg. (liquid form) which increased by 20 to 25%
with the completion of the Regional Irrigation Projects. The major BOD
loading to the lake by major contributors are as follow:
Industries- 225 kg/day
Domestic- 226,000 kg/day
Agri-business- 300,000 kg/day
Sedimentation and siltation of the lake, as a result of forest denudation
within the basin watershed, is another factor. The average volume of derived
sediments is approximately 1.5 x 10-6 cubic meters/day retaining 2/3 of sediments
in the lake. This decreases the lake’s depth thereby increasing
water turbidity affecting the productivity.
The quality of lake water generally meets class C standard. This can be used
for propagation of fish and aquatic resources, recreational boating,
and industrial water supply class which is used for manufacturing processes
after treatment. But class C standard is not met in areas near the mouths
of polluted rivers. Water quality even in
Central Bay is generally worse
than in the East
and South Bays bordering Laguna
because it has the highest
contents of nitrates, inorganic phospates and MPN coliform.
The lake water is
below the more desirable class B used for recreation, and classes A and AA
used for public water supply.
Man-made structure like the Napindan locks prevents the entry of saline water
from Manila Bay necessary to maintain the lake ecosystem.
The thermal pollution, traceable to about 1,075 industries that use the lake
water as cooling agent and ultimately discharge it as heated water, has negligible
effect on the biotic-abiotic relationships.
To address the pressing problems of the lake basin, the following solutions
are recommended:
A program for effective control of urban/domestic and agro-industrial waste.
A program for the reforestation of areas identified with moderate and severe
erosion potentials.
Evaluation of the benefits of pollution control and other forms of technology.
Re-assess tourism as a key to development without negating environment protection.
5.Provide a ceiling for urban and industrial development.
6.Intensification of Zero Waste technology.
ParametersStationClass C Standard
W BayC BayE BayS Bay
Ammonia mg/I????????????????
Nitrate mg/I????????????
Inorganic phospate mg/I?????????????
Dis. O mg/I?????????????
Temperature C??????????????
Turbidity (mg/I S 102)????????
Total dis. Solids (mg/I)?????????????????
MPN Coliform (unit/MI)?????????????????????????
Net primary Production (gc/m2/d)??????????????
Source: Water quality data on laguna de Bay Vol 5, LLDA
Although erosion problem is not critical yet, the danger posed by the conversion
of upper portion of northern barangays into subdivisions cannot be taken lightly.
The recent policy to prevent soil erosion is the requirement for land developers
to plant trees and to allocate spaces for vegetation cover in urban land use,
prosed for the construction of grouted Rip-Rap structure on all critical
area of erosion.
In Talim Island, the areas observed to have severe erosion potential
are those with slopes and converted into the production of charcoal
and firewood, the alternative livelihood during the months when fish
catch is marginal.
Flash floods due to siltation usually occur in the northern part of the municipality
particularly Pag-Asa, and part of Tayuman and Calumpang. These areas
are briefly under water during heavy rains. The dredging of natural
drainage, construction of CHB-lined canal and cross pipes leading to the lake
are the proposed remedies for flash floods in some areas wich is highly
populated. Areas Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) is Highly Recommendable drainage
system because it is friction free and garbage cannot easily accommodate on
tributary system.
Although the Pollution Threatened Areas Map indicates the mainland as a potentially
threatened area, the municipality as a whole is still a safe, livable place
because inland, air and noise pollution can be considered minimal. The
emission of ashes with solid waste coming from the Rizal Cement Company has
been contained with the installation of Electrostatic Precipitator.
There are no immediate solutions at hand for noise pollution caused by tricycles,
that are affecting the poblacion residents. For underground pollution,
LLDA has the following assessments:
“Water samples in Binangonan have high total absolute salts and unsuitable
chloride ions. They also have high sodium content which could have come
from fertilizers and detergents used in bathing and washing activities.”
e)Waste and Garbage Management
Garbage collection in this municipality was a big problem during the early
part of 1998. Now the road is already concreted and (2) more garbage trucks
are to be procured in addition to the existing 5 units and the 15 barangay
There is no particularly specifies container for waste discharge, so wastes
are contained in different kinds of plastic bags, rice sacks, bamboo baskets
paper and drums.
Of the total amount of waste discharged, around 85% is collected and disposed
off at the dumpsite. The rest are burned or illegally dumped on nearby spaces
or dumped into rivers or creeks, segregation is not practiced and its rules
and regulations.
The daily average volume of garbage collected is 500 cu. m. this is literally
reduced due to the presence of scavengers at the site and of the loaders (pickers)
of junkshop. A small percentage is composted at the facility located at Barangay
Street sweepers maintain the cleanliness within the poblacion and public market
Before, our dumpsite was on open pit. Presently, it is a controlled
dump facility. The DENR has granted a Notice to Proceed to the Municipality’s
Proposed Controlled Dump Facility in line with the objectives of R.A. 9003,
otherwise known as “ Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 “.
Perimeter fence was constructed around the site and sufficient equipment are
being used in leveling the garbage and backfilling it by 150 mm thick of filling
materials and spraying the garbage with chemicals to eliminate insects and
foul odor.
Volume of Garbage-l5,000 cubic meters/month
Average Daily Collection-
500 cubic meters/day
Method of Disposal-controlled dumpsite
Location of Dumpsite-Sitio Bunot Lunsad Binangonan, Rizal
No. of Dumptruck/- 7 units
Garbage trucks
9. Existing Land Use
In the 1980’s , the Municipality of Binangonan was generally an
agricultural town with around 2,232.4 hectares or 30.70 percent of its total
land area devoted to agriculture. On the other hand, a significant area of
3,910.4 hectares or 53.79 percent of the total municipal land area were grasslands
or idle lands. Other land uses in the same period were forestlands with 273
hectares or 3.76 percent, and built-up with 854.2 hectares or 11.75 percent,
The physical development mode of the municipality can be described as linear.
People tend to concentrate along areas where roads and water transportations
are available. Thus, built-up areas are scattered along the major roads and
the coastline of Laguna de Bay.
Total households58,042100%
Usual Manner of Garbage disposal
Picked by garbage truck9,48916.35
Dumping in individual Pit3,3665.80
Composting (as Fertilizer)7951.37
Feeding to animals1,3292.29
Land UsesArea (Has)Percent (%)
Special cases?????????
Source: Assessor’s Office
In the 1990’s, the town experienced rapid urbanization brought by increased
commercial and industrial activities both within and the surrounding areas
of the municipality. As a result of this condition, demand for more spaces
was altogether felt. The most visible impact of urbanization was the conversion
of agricultural lands to urban uses such as residential, commercial and industrial.
The area of agricultural lands was reduced to about 1,460.5 hectares. This
figure represents a 65.42 percent reduction of agricultural lands from the
1980’s to the 1990’s.
Cemeteries are concentrated in southern portion of the mainland. These are
the privately-owned Catholic Cemetery in Layunan and Santo Rosario Memorial
Park in Gupiing, Lunsad, and the old municipal cemetery in Batingan which
was bulldozed to give way to a new plan for development. On the other hand,
the island barangays have three cemeteries located in Kaytome, Malacaban,
and Habagatan-Talim.Only one cemetery on the northern part of the mainland
specifically at Barangay Bilibiran was constructed last 2005 and now operational,
the East Garden Memorial Park,.
On the other hand, urban land uses are distributed for residential, commercial,
institutional and industrial purposes. Though, it can be noted, that there
is a mix of uses that are incompatible such as residential and industrial
establishment. Example of these are the Rizal Cement Company, Inc. in Calumpang,
Grandspan Corporation in Tagpos, and Ford Truck Philippines in Batingan. Commercial
establishments are largely concentrated within the center of the town and
caters to the needs of the local population. Other built-up areas of the municipality
which are distributed municipal wide also have commercial activities interspered
with residential uses.
The dominant commercial establishments in the municipality includes retail
stores and groceries, from input stores, business and personal services.